How to enhance your resilience

Sometimes it doesn’t pay to get too comfortable. Now more than ever, things change at a dizzying pace. The familiar soon becomes a memory, and suddenly we’re challenged to keep up with new circumstances across many areas of life—whether we’re ready for them or not.


We may see the changes as good— such as a marriage, a new child or a new job or home. Or, we may see them as negative—such as the end of a relationship, the loss of a loved one, an illness or disaster. Regardless of whether the changes are positive or negative, the level of stress we experience can be equally high. Plus, when multiple changes occur at once, the stress can further impact our health and well-being.


In response, some people might become anxious or feel disoriented or discouraged, while others are more resilient—they seem to bounce back from life’s hard times relatively quickly.


What is resilience?

Resilience means being able to adapt to life’s hardship, misfortunes and setbacks. When you’re able to bounce back in the face of challenges, you’re being resilient. Although it’s not always easy to process the “curves” that life throws you, the good news is that you can take practical steps to learn how to build your inner strength and be more resilient in the future.


Resilience building tips

  • Remind yourself of your strengths and successes. Thinking about how you got through the trials of the past will help you today.
  • Work at staying positive. Keeping an upbeat, hopeful attitude during difficult times can be hard, but steering yourself toward being positive is a key part of resiliency.
  • Apply your problem solving skills. When facing a difficult time, make a list of some of the possible ways you could solve the problem.


This will help you in the future as you move forward and shift your focus from the impact of the problem to what you will do next.

  • Look to others for help. Sharing your struggles with trusted family or friends can help you get through a crisis. The ability to seek and accept help from others actually strengthens resilience. Share problem solving ideas with others. Many people find that they become more resilient by helping others.
  • See the light at the end of the tunnel. No matter how bad things might be now, remember that they will not last forever.


Having or developing resilience doesn’t mean your problems will go away, but it does mean that you will have the skills to see beyond them and better handle the stress you may feel. Everyone has the capacity for resilience, so you can always learn more effective ways to respond to adversity.


Steps to building resilience

Follow healthy habits — In times of stress, you might forget to take care of yourself. But no matter how much time and energy you’re spending on problems, be sure to get enough sleep, eat a healthy diet, and get vigorous exercise. This can help you stay strong through tough times.

Practice stress management — Try activities such as yoga, meditation, deep breathing, prayer or progressive muscle relaxation. Using these techniques can help you stay more balanced.


Continue with valued activities — Remember that the current situation or problem is not the only thing in your life. Carve out some time for being with your family, pursuing your hobbies, and doing the things that bring meaning to your life.


Build your knowledge — Learning to cope with and bounce back from adversity is a wise decision. Explore your local bookstore, community groups and your program to find

relevant and actionable education and resources.


Tap into your program

Your program offers a variety of options to choose from including educational resources, coaching and counseling.

  • Coaching — Coaches, available by phone or video teleconference appointment, provide confidential, unbiased support to create an action plan to achieve your objective. They can assist with problem-solving, follow-up, accountability and also provide helpful resources and education along the way.
  • Counseling — Licensed, experienced counselors are available to meet with you by phone or in person to help you develop an appropriate strategy for moving forward when you've had a crisis, traumatic event or other stressful life experience.


Your program is here to help you along the journey of life. No situation is too big or too small. When you and your household members need assistance, reach out anytime and we will help get you on the right path to meet your needs.

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