
Looking to meet with a therapist virtually? Try BetterHelp.
BetterHelp is the largest online counseling service providing an alternative form of traditional, in-person counseling. BetterHelp enables you to meet with a counselor by text message, phone, chat or video conference.

Through your program, you have access to 8 pre-paid counseling sessions. Sessions are highly individualized and last about 30-60 minutes. Text messaging can be used in addition to live, scheduled sessions for continuity of care in between sessions.

How to find care
Online registration
  1. Go to and click on "Get Started."
  2. Enter your first name, last name, email address and company name, then click “Submit.”
  3. Once you click “Submit,” you will receive an email with the subject line, “Here is your online counseling invite from Magellan Healthcare.” Within the email, click the hyperlinked text that reads “CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED.”
  4. Complete the registration and questionnaire, then begin messaging a therapist through your web browser or the BetterHelp mobile app. Typically, you can communicate with a therapist within 24 hours of completing the questionnaire.


Phone registration
  1. Call your program at (800) 537-5221. A Magellan representative will ask you questions to understand your unique situation and, if appropriate, refer you to BetterHelp. The referral form generates an email to you with a unique link to complete a questionnaire.
  2. Once the Magellan representative refers you to BetterHelp you will receive an email with the subject line, “Here is your online counseling invite from Magellan Healthcare.” Within the email, click the hyperlinked text that reads “CLICK HERE TO GET STARTED.”
  3. Complete the registration and questionnaire, then begin messaging a therapist through your web browser or the BetterHelp mobile app. Typically, you can communicate with a therapist within 24 hours of completing the questionnaire.


Note: You must register for an account before downloading the BetterHelp mobile app.

**Remember, if you are in crisis or considering suicide, or if you or someone you know is currently in danger, please call 911 immediately.**

Services provided through your program are voluntary and confidential and utilization of this program is not reported to your employer or maintained in a personnel file.  The only exceptions are in the event of a mandatory referral as a condition of employment if your program utilizes mandatory referrals, if you consent to share information, or if Magellan is required by applicable law to report a situation to an appropriate person or office, such as in the case of a duty to report child or elder abuse or threats to commit self-harm or harm to others.

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Get started today!

Call (800) 537-5221


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